Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 7187 in D08A

Process type description code (an1..17)

Code specifying a type of process.

Code Description
1 Wood preparation
A process to prepare wood.
2 Causticizing
Treatment with a caustic agent.
3 Digesting
A process of digesting.
4 Brownstock washing
Washing with brownstock.
5 Bleaching
Removing colour by treatment with an oxidizing agent (a bleach).
6 Pulp drying
The process of drying pulp.
7 Freezing
Freezing process.
8 Processing of structured information
The information to be processed is in structured form.
9 Processing of identical information in structured and unstructured form
The information to be processed is identical and given in structured and unstructured form.
10 Processing of different information in structured and unstructured form
The information to be processed is different and is given in structured and unstructured form.
11 Processing of unstructured information
The information to be processed is in unstructured form.
12 Slaughter
Slaughter process.
13 Packing
Packing process.
14 Heat sterilisation
Treated by heat sterilisation.
15 Chemical sterilisation
Treated by chemical sterilisation.
16 Fumigation
Treated by fumigation.
17 Irradiation
Treated by irradiation.
18 Fueling
Fueling process.
19 Acceptance of business conditions
Code specifying the process of accepting the terms and conditions under which business will be conducted.
20 Pathology service
The provision of a pathology service.
21 Radiology service
The provision of a radiology service.
22 Contribution payment
The payment of a contribution.
23 Clinical donation
The process of providing a clinical donation.
24 Medical general practice
The provision of general medical services.
25 Specialist medical service
The provision of specialist medical services, other than pathology or radiology.
26 Dispensing of medicine
The process performed by a pharmacist to prepare and dispense medicine according to a prescription.
27 Planning
The process of developing plans.
28 Trading
The process of trading.
29 Operating
The process of operating.
30 Metering
The process of metering.
31 Settlement
The process of settling.
32 Chilling
To reduce a product's temperature to above 273K.
33 Collecting
To gather or extract from a number of persons or sources.
34 Cutting
To penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument.
35 Harvesting
To gather, catch, hunt, or kill.
36 Inspecting
To examine officially.
37 Manufacturing
To make from raw materials by hand or by machinery.
38 Preserving
To can, pickle, or similarly prepare for future use.
39 Processing
To subject to or handle through an established usually routine set of procedures.
40 Producing
To make produce by growing.
41 Rendering (agriculture)
To extract by melting in order to extract proteins, fats, and other usable parts.
42 Sampling
To take a sample of or from the product.
43 Storing
To place or leave in a location (as a warehouse, library, or computer memory) for preservation.
44 Transferring
To convey from one person, place, or situation to another.
45 Treating
To act upon e.g. with some agent.