Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 6341 in D00A

Exchange rate currency market identifier (an1..3)

To identify an exchange rate currency market.

Code Description
AAA Paris exchange
Self explanatory.
AAB Colombian official exchange (Central Bank of Colombia)
The currency exchange rate is set by the Central Bank of Colombia.
AMS Amsterdam exchange
Self explanatory.
ARG Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires
Argentina exchange.
AST Australian exchange
Self explanatory.
AUS Wien exchange
Wiener Boersenkammer.
BEL Brussels exchange
Commission de la Bourse Bruxelles.
CAN Toronto exchange
Self explanatory.
CAR Contractual agreement exchange rate
Self explanatory.
CIE US Customs Information Exchange
Currency rates published by the US Customs Information Exchange, 6 WTC, New York NY 10048-0945, USA.
DEN Copenhagen exchange
Koebenhavns Fondsboers.
ECR European Community period exchange rate
Description to be provided.
FIN Helsinki exchange
Self explanatory.
FRA Frankfurt exchange
Self explanatory.
IMF International Monetary Fund
Self explanatory.
LNF London exchange, first closing
Self explanatory.
LNS London exchange, second closing
Self explanatory.
MIL Milan exchange
Self explanatory.
NOR Oslo exchange
Self explanatory.
NYC New York exchange
Self explanatory.
PHI Philadelphia exchange
Self explanatory.
SRE Specific railway exchange currency
Specific rate of exchange applied to currency exchanges between rail companies and partners.
SWE Stockholm exchange
Self explanatory.
ZUR Zurich exchange
Self explanatory.