Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 7161 in D99A

Special services, coded (an1..3)

Code identifying a special service.

Code Description
AA Advertising allowance
Description to be provided.
AG Silver surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AJ Adjustments
Description to be provided.
AL Aluminium surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AM Additional material
Surcharge for material additionally needed in the production of the item.
AU Authentication charge
Charge to cover authentication costs and fees.
CA Cataloguing services
Description to be provided.
CB Commission
Description to be provided.
CD Car loading
Costs incurred with car loading.
CG Cleaning charge
Charge for cleaning an item.
CK COD charge
Description to be provided.
CL Contract allowance
Description to be provided.
CO Cents off
Description to be provided.
CP Competitive price
Description to be provided.
CS Cigarette stamping
Description to be provided.
CT Count and recount
Description to be provided.
CW Container allowance
Description to be provided.
DA Defective allowance
Description to be provided.
DI Discount
A reduction from a usual or list price.
DL Delivery
Description to be provided.
DM Demurrage
The compensation payable to a carrier of freight whose vehicle or vessel is delayed, as by failure to load or unload the freight within the time allowed.
EG Engraving
Description to be provided.
EP Expediting premium
Description to be provided.
ER Exchange rate guarantee charge
Description to be provided.
EX Export shipping charge
Description to be provided.
FA Freight allowance
Description to be provided.
FC Freight charge
Amount to be paid for moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another, inclusive discounts, allowances, rebates, adjustment factors and additional cost relating to freight costs (UN/ECE Recommendation no 23).
FG Free goods
Allowance or rebate granted by delivery of goods free of charge.
FH Filling/handling charge
Description to be provided.
FI Finance charge
Description to be provided.
FN Special finish charge
Description to be provided.
FR Flat rate
Description to be provided.
HD Handling
Charge for handling of the item.
HH Hoisting and hauling
Description to be provided.
IA Invoice adjustment
Description to be provided.
ID Inside delivery charge
Description to be provided.
IF Inspection fee
Fee raised for inspection.
IN Insurance
Charge for insurance.
IR Installation and training
Description to be provided.
IS Invoice services
Description to be provided.
KO Koshering
Description to be provided.
L1 Shipper load, carrier count
Description to be provided.
LA Labelling
Description to be provided.
LF Legalisation fee
Self explanatory.
LS Local sales tax
(All applicable sales taxes by authorities below the state level).
MA Material allowance (special materials)
Description to be provided.
MC Material surcharge (special materials)
Description to be provided.
MI Mail invoice
Description to be provided.
ML Mail invoice to each location
Description to be provided.
OA Outside cable connectors
Description to be provided.
PA Pack invoice with shipment
Description to be provided.
PC Packing
Charge for packing.
PD Palladium surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
PI Pick-up allowance
Description to be provided.
PL Palletizing
Description to be provided.
PN Pallet charge
Description to be provided.
PO Per order charge
Description to be provided.
QD Quantity discount
Description to be provided.
RE Re-delivery charge
Description to be provided.
RF Refurbishing charge
Description to be provided.
RH Rail wagon hire
Description to be provided.
RO Roe allowance/charge
Description to be provided.
RP Repair charge
Description to be provided.
RV Freight charge/costs of loading
Description to be provided.
SA Salvage
Description to be provided.
SC Surcharge
An additional amount added to the usual charge.
SD Shrinkage allowance
Description to be provided.
SF Special rebate
A return of part of an amount paid for goods or services, serving as a reduction or discount.
SG Shrink-wrap charge
Description to be provided.
SH Special handling service
Description to be provided.
SM Special finish
Description to be provided.
ST Stamp duties
Self explanatory.
SU Set-up
Description to be provided.
SZ Steel surcharge
Description to be provided.
TD Trade discount
Description to be provided.
TS State tax
All applicable taxes by authorities at the state or provincial level, below national level.
TT Transportation - third party billing
Description to be provided.
TV Transportation - vendor provided
Description to be provided.
TX Tax
Contribution levied by an authority.
TZ Temporary allowance
Description to be provided.
UM Unsaleable merchandise allowance
Description to be provided.
V1 Drop yard
Description to be provided.
V2 Drop dock
Description to be provided.
VL Vehicle load allowance
Description to be provided.
WH Warehousing
Costs for storage and handling.
YY Split pickup
Description to be provided.
AAA Telecommunication charges
AAB Returned goods charges
AAC Modification costs
Costs for technical modifications to a product.
AAD Job-order production
Costs of job-order production; only used in invoices.
AAE Outlays
Outlays incurred in the company's interest for an installation order.
AAF Off-premises surcharge
Expenses on top of service-rates for non-local activities.
AAG Gold surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAH Processing surcharge
Charging for increased processing costs.
AAI Attestation fee
Outlays incurred by official attestation (by public authorities).
AAJ Copper surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAK Energy surcharge
Surcharge for energy costs.
AAL Deduction for missing parts
Deduction for missing parts.
AAM Rubber surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAN Brass surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAO Material surcharge/deduction
Percentage-based surcharge/deduction, calculated for higher/ lower material's consumption.
AAP Lead surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAQ Price index surcharge
Higher/lower price, resulting from change in costs between the times of making offer and delivery.
AAR Platinum surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAS Acceptance cost
Charge for testing.
AAT Rush delivery
Charge for increased delivery speed.
AAU Selenium surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAV Special construction charge
Charge for costs incurred as result of special constructions.
AAW Deduction for delayed return
Deduction for delayed return of goods.
AAX Wolfram surcharge
Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price.
AAY Airport fee
Charge associated with usage of airport facilities.
AAZ Concession fee
Fee imposed by an airport to allow used of that facility.
ABA Compulsory storage fee
Fee levied to cover the cost of carrying a certain amount of compulsory inventory (set by regulatory agency).
ABB Defuel
Remove or off-load fuel from vehicle, vessel or craft.
ABC Into plane fee
Charge associated with providing goods delivered to an aircraft from local storage.
ABD Overtime
Fee charge for service rendered beyond the established limit of working hours.
ABE Reservicing charge
Fee for services provided after initial service.
ABF Tooling cost
Item or service relates to tooling, not direct provision of goods.
ABG Tooling charge
Item or service relates to tooling charges, not direct provision of goods.
ABH Throughput allowance
Allowance for reaching or exceeding an agreed throughput threshold.
ABI Superfund fee
Fee imposed for superfund, a US-government fund created for the clean-up or eradication of sites at which toxic waste, hazardous to the environment, has been dumped.
ABJ Airport system fee
Fee associated with the use of the hydrant and storage system at an airport.
ABK Miscellaneous
The service provided for the stated charge is not defined.
ABL Packaging surcharge
Additional charge for packaging of items.
ABM Scrap surcharge
Additional charge on an item's price for the cost of constituent scrap.
ABN Dunnage charge
A charge incurred to cover the costs of the additional padding materials and labour required to secure and protect a cargo within a shipping container.
ABO Air freight transportation
Additional charge on an item's price for air freight transportation.
ABP Carriage charge
Additional charge on an item's price for the carriage.
ABQ Tonnage rebate
Rebate based on the weight of the goods.
ABR Containerisation
Additional charge on an item's price for containerisation.
ABS Carton packing
Additional charge on an item's price for carton packing.
ABT Hessian wrapped
Additional charge on an item's price for hessian wrapping.
ABU Polyethylene wrap packing
Additional charge on an item's price for polyethylene wrap packing.
ABV Miscellaneous customs charge
Non-defined customs charge.
ABW Customs duty charge
Additional charge on an item's price for customs duty.
ABX Miscellaneous special tooling charge
Non-defined additional charge on an item's price for special tooling.
ABY Tooling amortisation
Additional charge on an item's price for tooling amortisation.
ABZ Miscellaneous rebate or discount
Non-defined rebate or discount.
ACA Allowance
Non-defined allowance.
ACB Future discount off retail
Expected future discount off retail.
ACC Miscellaneous setting costs (tooling)
Non-defined additional charge on an item's price for tooling costs.
ACD Minimum amount costs for quantity based surcharges
The minimum amount for surcharges that are related to the quantity referred to.
ACE Below schedule quantity after quantity-based surcharge
An adjustment made since the quantity was below the quantity-based surcharge.
ACF Miscellaneous treatment
Non-defined additional charge on an item's price for treatment.
ACG Enamelling treatment
Additional charge on an item's price for enamelling treatment.
ACH Heat treatment
Additional charge on an item's price for heat treatment.
ACI Plating treatment
Additional charge on an item's price for plating treatment.
ACJ Painting
Additional charge on an item's price for painting.
ACK Polishing
Additional charge on an item's price for polishing.
ACL Priming
Additional charge on an item's price for priming.
ACM Preservation treatment
Additional charge on an item's price for preservation treatment.
ACN Miscellaneous other surcharges
Non-defined surcharges.
ACO Alloy surcharge
Additional charge on an item's price for alloy.
ACP Coke surcharge
Additional charge on an item's price for coke.
ACQ Royalty surcharge
Additional charge on an item's price for royalty.
ACR Wheel handling charge
Additional charge on an item's price for wheel handling.
ACS Fitting surcharge
Additional charge on an item's price for fitting.
ACT Non-standard surcharge
The surcharge is a non-standard charge.
ACU Standard surcharge
The surcharge is a standard charge.
ACV Wheel surcharge
Additional charge on an item's price for wheels.
ACW Washer surcharge
Additional charge on an item's price for washers.
ACX Ocean freight charge
The transportation charge relating to the ocean segment of a international journey.
ACY Container deposit charge
The charge relating to the packaging of a product in a container when the container is expected to be returned and has value when empty.
ACZ Damaged merchandise
The charge or credit relating to the circumstance of product being damaged and not saleable.
ADA Bopsheet charge
A charge relating to securing a stack of product on a bopsheet.
ADB Drum deposit
Deposit paid on a returnable drum.
ADC Consolidation
The charge relating to additional services for consolidating multiple consignments into one shipment.
ADD Inland transportation
The transportation charge related to the inland segment of a journey.
ADE Bill of lading charge
The charge relating to the service of providing bill of lading document.
ADF Excise tax-destination
The excise tax applied to a product by the country of destination.
ADG Customs bond charge
Place of destination Customs department charge for processing a request to have goods brought into the country without paying the appropriate duties and taxes upon entry.
ADH Per pound charge
A charge that is directly related to the weight in pounds of the product being sold and/or delivered.
ADI Royalties
A share of the sales charge reversed by the grantor.
ADJ Airbag charge
A charge for surrounding a product with an air bag.
ADK Transfer charge
A charge relating to the additional transfer of goods and services from one entity to another.
ADL Slipsheet charge
A charge relating to securing a stack of product on a slipsheet.
ADM Binding services
A code indicating binding services.
ADN Repair or replacement of broken returnable package
The repair or replacement of a broken returnable package.
ADO Efficient logistics
A code indicating efficient logistics services.
ADP Merchandising
A code indicating that merchandising services are in operation.
ADQ Product mix
A code indicating that product mixing services are in operation.
ADR Other services
A code indicating that other non-specific services are in operation.
ADS Full pallet ordering
Ordering of a full pallet of a product.
ADT Pick-up
For the pick-up or collection of goods.
ADU Handling by the 1st level sub-contractor
Charge for the handling of the item by the first level sub-contractor.
ADV Handling by the 2nd level sub-contractor
Charge for the handling of the item by the second level sub-contractor.
ADX Handling by the contractor
Charge for the handling of the item by the contractor.
ADY New product introduction
A service provided by a buyer when introducing a new product from a suppliers range to the range traded by the buyer.
ADZ Direct delivery
The specification of direct delivery as a special service.
AEA Diversion
The service is for diversion of a deliverable.
AEB Disconnect
The service is a disconnection.
AEC Distribution
Distribution of services or items.
AED Handling of hazardous cargo
A service for handling hazardous cargo.
AEE Yearly turnover service
A service based on yearly turnover.
AEF Rents and leases
Renting and leasing products or services.
AEG System usage
To indicate the usage of a system.
AEH Location differential
Delivery to a different location than previously contracted.
AEI Aircraft refueling
Fuel being put into the aircraft.
AEJ Fuel shipped into storage
Fuel being shipped into a storage system.
AEK Cash on delivery service
An allowance or charge related to the provision of a cash on delivery service.
AEL Small order processing service
A service related to the processing of small orders.
AEM Clerical or administrative services
The provision of clerical or administrative services.
AEN Guarantee service
The provision of a guarantee service.
AEO Collection and recycling service
The service of collection and recycling products.
AEP Copyright fee collection services
The service of the collection of copyright fees.
CAA Cancellation charge
Charge incurring with cancellation.
CAB Cartage
CAC Cash discount
Discount incurring with cash payment.
CAD Certification fee
Fee raised for certification services.
CAE Certificate of conformance
Description to be provided.
CAF Certificate of origin
Charge concerning certificate of origin.
CAG Competitive allowance
Price adjustment allowed for market conditions or factors.
CAH Competitive auto allowance
Description to be provided.
CAI Cutting charge
Description to be provided.
CAJ Consular costs
Charge to cover consular costs.
CAK Customer collection rebate
Description to be provided.
DAA Deficit freight
Description to be provided.
DAB Layout/design
Description to be provided.
DAD Driver assigned unloading
Charges to cover handling costs for unloading by driver.
DAE Distributor discount/allowance
Specific discount/allowance for distributors.
EAA Early buy allowance
Allowance granted to customers buying early.
EAB Early payment allowance
Allowance granted to customers paying early.
FAA Fabrication charge
Description to be provided.
FAB Freight equalization
Description to be provided.
FAC Freight surcharge
Charge on shipment for extraordinary handling.
GAA Grinding
Description to be provided.
HAA Hose charge
Description to be provided.
IAA Installation
Costs incurred for installation.
IAB Installation and warranty
Description to be provided.
LAA Labour charge
Charge raised for labour services.
LAB Labour (repair and return orders)
Description to be provided.
LAC License fee
Description to be provided.
MAA Mileage or travel
Description to be provided.
MAB Mileage fee (for repair and return)
Description to be provided.
MAC Minimum order/minimum billing charge
Description to be provided.
MAD Monthly rental
Description to be provided.
MAE Mounting
Description to be provided.
NAA Non-returnable containers
Description to be provided.
OAA Overtime loading
Description to be provided.
PAA Phosphatizing (steel treatment)
Description to be provided.
PAB Postage charge
Description to be provided.
PAC Premium charge
Description to be provided.
PAD Promotional allowance
Description to be provided.
PAE Promotional discount
Description to be provided.
QAA Quantity surcharge
Fee associated with providing goods outside "normal" quantity limits.
RAA Rebate
Description to be provided.
RAB Repack charge
Description to be provided.
RAC Repair
Description to be provided.
RAD Returnable container
Description to be provided.
RAE Resellers discount
Description to be provided.
RAF Restocking charge
Description to be provided.
RAG Roll rebate
Description to be provided.
RAH Road/rail tanker rebate
Description to be provided.
SAA Shipping and handling
Description to be provided.
SAB Special allowance
Description to be provided.
SAC Special credit
Description to be provided.
SAD Special packaging
Description to be provided.
SAE Stamping
Description to be provided.
SAF Supplemental items
Description to be provided.
SAG Surcharge (dollar value)
An additional amount added to the usual charge, expressed in a dollar, or monetary, value.
SAH Surcharge (percentage)
An additional amount added to the usual charge, expressed in a percentage.
SAI Shipper load, consignee unload
Description to be provided.
SAJ Small packages charge
Description to be provided.
TAA Telephone charge
Description to be provided.
TAB Tank rental
Description to be provided.
TAC Testing charge
Description to be provided.
TAD Testing allowance
Description to be provided.
TAE Truckload discount
Description to be provided.
VAA Vendor freight
Description to be provided.
VAB Volume discount
Discount offered based on the amount of purchase.
XAA Combine all same day shipment
Description to be provided.
ZZZ Mutually defined
Self explanatory.