Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 6313 in D95B

Measurement dimension, coded (an1..3)

Specification of the type of dimension to be measured.

Code Description
A Consolidated weight
Description to be provided.
B Billed weight
Self explanatory.
D Destination weight agreement
The agreed weight of despatched goods whose weight may change during transport.
E Estimated new weight
Self explanatory.
F Deficit weight
Description to be provided.
G Gross weight
[6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment.
L Legal weight
Self explanatory.
M Minimum weight
Self explanatory.
N Actual net weight
Self explanatory.
T Tare weight
Self explanatory.
U Weight per unit
[6150] Numeric value of weight.
AF Angle of bend
Self explanatory.
BL Breaking load
Description to be provided.
BR Brightness
Self explanatory.
BS Breaking strength
Self explanatory.
BW Basis weight
Description to be provided.
CM Color
Self explanatory.
CT Contents of package
In combination with the other data elements of the actual segment this code indicates the measured content of a package.
CV Commercial weight
Item weight considering its maximum possible humidity.
CZ Core length
To specify length of core (of spod/babbin etc.) on which product is to be placed.
DI Diameter
Diameter of an article.
DL Delta value L
Description to be provided.
DN Density
Self explanatory.
DP Depth
Self explanatory.
DR Denier
Description to be provided.
DS Distance between points
Self explanatory.
DW Width, boxcar door
Self explanatory.
EA Elongation
Self explanatory.
FI Filament count
Used e.g. in textile, print industries.
FL Longitudinal flatness
Self explanatory.
FN Flatness
Self explanatory.
FV Transverse flatness
Self explanatory.
GG Gauge
Self explanatory.
GW Gross weight, maximum
Self explanatory.
HF Hardness
Self explanatory.
HM Height, maximum
Self explanatory.
HT Height dimension
Numeric value of height.
IB Impact energy
Self explanatory.
ID Inside diameter
Self explanatory.
LM Length, maximum
Self explanatory.
LN Length dimension
(6168) Length of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes.
MO Moisture
Measurement application is the moisture content of the item.
MW Maximum weight
Self explanatory.
OD Outside diameter
Self explanatory.
RA Relative humidity
Self explanatory.
RF Resistivity
Description to be provided.
RJ Rockwell C
Hardness in the Rockwell C scale.
RP Reduction of area
Self explanatory.
RY Ratio
Self explanatory.
SQ Shipped quantity
Self explanatory.
TC Temperature
A measurement in relation to temperature.
TH Thickness
Self explanatory.
TN Time period
Self explanatory.
TT Time
Self explanatory.
VH Height, van door
Self explanatory.
VW Width, van door
Self explanatory.
WA Weight per unit of area
Self explanatory.
WD Width dimension
Numeric value of width.
WM Width, maximum
Self explanatory.
WT Weight
[6150] Numeric value of weight.
WU Weight per unit of length
Self explanatory.
XH Side height, flat bed with removable sides
Self explanatory.
XQ Squareness
Self explanatory.
XZ Spool size
Self explanatory.
YS Yield stress
Self explanatory.
ZB Boron
Self explanatory.
ZC Carbon
Self explanatory.
ZH Hydrogen
Self explanatory.
ZK Potassium
Self explanatory.
ZN Nitrogen
Self explanatory.
ZO Oxygen
Self explanatory.
ZP Phosphorus
Self explanatory.
ZS Sulphur
Self explanatory.
ZV Vanadium
Self explanatory.
ZW Tungsten
Self explanatory.
AAA Unit net weight
[6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale.
AAB Unit gross weight
[6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment.
AAC Total net weight
Self explanatory.
AAD Total gross weight
[6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment.
AAE Item gross weight
Gross weight at line item level.
AAF Net net weight
[6048] Weight (mass) of the goods themselves without any packing.
AAG Gross weight (item level)
Self explanatory.
AAH Customs line item measurement
Description to be provided.
AAI Visa quantity
Measurement reportable for visaed merchandise.
AAL Net weight
[6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale.
AAM Gross tonnage of the vessel
[6300] The measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
AAN Net tonnage of the vessel
[6302] The measure of the useful capacity of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
AAO Humidity
AAP Voltage
AAQ Power consumption
Value of energy consumption.
AAR Heat dissipation
AAS Air flow
AAT Shock impact
AAU Operative temperature
Temperature identified system or process works according to specifications.
AAV Non operative temperature
Temperature identified system or process does not work according to specifications.
AAW Gross volume
The observed volume unadjusted for factors such as temperature or gravity.
AAX Net volume
The observed volume after adjustment for factors such as temperature or gravity.
AAY Water content
Water content in product.
AAZ Tensile stress
Self explanatory.
ABA Fibrosity
Self explanatory.
ABB Gauge length
Self explanatory.
ABC Radius
Self explanatory.
ABD Straightness
Straightness of the item.
ABE Strain
Self explanatory.
ABF Test piece dimensions
The size of the test piece that was tested.
ABG Average reading
Average reading of the test being reported on.
ABH External dimension
The outer measurement of the referenced item or package.
ABI Internal dimension
The inner measurement of the referenced item or package.
ABJ Volume
The amount of air space taken up by the entity identified in the 6311 qualifier.
ABK Loading meter
A measurement dimension given in loading meters.
ABL Retail container dimension
Single physical dimension of a retail container.
ABM Retail container size
Size of a retail container in terms of volume.
ABN Other US Government agency application
Application of an other US government agency.
ABO Measurement
[6314] Value of the measured unit.
ABQ Percentage of alcohol (by volume)
The percentage of alcohol contained in a liquid.
ABR Dimensions total weight
Total weight resulting from the dimensions.
ABS Item weight
Weight at line item level.
ABU Licence (quantity deducted)
Quantity to be written off from the total license amount.
ABV Cargo loaded
Total tonnage of cargo loaded onto the conveyance.
ABW Cargo discharged
Total tonnage of cargo unloaded from the conveyance.
ABX Weight of conveyance
Tonnage of conveyance.
ABY Conveyance summer dead weight
Registered summer dead weight total tonnage of the vessel.
ABZ Containerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of containerized cargo on vessel.
ACA Non-containerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of non-containerized cargo on vessel.
ACB 1st specified tariff quantity
Primary reportable quantity associated with a tariff number.
ACC 2nd specified tariff quantity
Secondary reportable quantity associated with a tariff number.
ACD 3rd specified tariff quantity
Third reportable quantity associated with a tariff number.
ACE Weight ascertained
[4240] Endorsement of the true weight (mass) as ascertained or verified by the railway (CIM 81).
ACF Chemistry
Measurement related to a chemical measurement system.
ACG Chargeable weight
The weight on which charges are based.
ACH Core notch dimensions
Dimensions of a core notch.
ACI Core size
A measurement indicating the core size of an object.
ACJ Decision result value
A measurement in relation to value representing a decision result.
ACK Dimensional tolerance
Tolerance in relation to a dimension.
ACL Discrete measurement value
Value of a discrete measurement.
ACM Dimension used in price extension
Dimension used in relation to a price.
ACN Estimated gross weight
Estimated weight (mass) of goods, including packing and excluding carrier's.
ACO Environmental conditions
The data values to be reported reflect the environmental conditions surrounding a situation including but not limited to test environments.
ACP Estimated volume
Estimated size or measure of anything in three dimensions.
ACQ Footage
Length measurement in feet.
ACR Interpolated value
A value interpolated from a number of values.
ACS Vessel overall length
Total overall length of the vessel.
ACT Limited coil measurement
Value limiting the measurement of a coil.
ACU Lift limitation
A measurement indicating the lift capacity limitation.
ACV Loading meters
The length in a vehicle, whereby the complete width and height over that length is needed for the goods.
ACW Number of axles
Number of axles of movable equipment or means of transport on wheels.
ACX Payload
The revenue-producing load carried by a means of transport.
ACY Parting cut (sawcut)
A measurement related to the cutting of items.
ACZ Physical dimensions
A measurement indicating the physical dimensions of an object.
ADA Package limitations
A measurement indicating limitation associated with packages.
ADB Platform limitation
A measurement indicating limitation in relation to a platform.
ADC Receiving facility limitations
A measurement indicating limitations in relation to a receiving facility.
ADD Property specification
Indicates that the data to follow are target specifications.
ADE Shipping tolerance
A measurement indicating a tolerance in relation to the transport.
ADF Shade
A measurement in relation to the shade.
ADG Storage limitation
A measurement indicating limitation in relation to storage.
ADH Surface roughness
A measurement indicating surface roughness.
ADI Surface treatment
A measurement in relation to surface treatment.
ADJ Surface
A measurement in relation a surface.
ADK Specification value
A measurable item characteristic specified by the buyer, seller or third party.
ADL Transportation equipment limitations
A measurement indicating limitations in relation to transport equipment.
ADM Test result
Indicates that the data to follow is the test result measurements.
ADN Time used in price extension
Time value in relation to a price.
ADO Observed value
The reported test result which includes measurement variability.
ADP True value
The reported test result with the measurement variability removed.
ADQ Weight used in price extension
A weight measurement in relation to a price.
ADR Start position in the length
The starting position from the beginning of an item located in the length direction.
ADS End position in the length
The end position from the beginning of an item located in the length direction.
ADT Start position in the width
The start position from the beginning of an item located in the width direction.
ADU End position in the width
The end position from the beginning of an item located in the width direction.
ADV Start position in the thickness
The start position from the beginning of an item located in the thickness direction.
ADW End position in the thickness
The end position from the beginning of an item located in the thickness direction.
BND Bands
Description to be provided.
BRA Brakes
Description to be provided.
BRE Break
Description to be provided.
BSW Breaking strength wet
Self explanatory.
CHN Change
Description to be provided.
LND Lost end
Description to be provided.
PRS Pre stretch
Description to be provided.
PTN Per tonne
Self explanatory.
RMW Ream weight
Measurement indication for paper.
RUN Run (process)
Description to be provided.
ZAL Aluminium
Self explanatory.
ZAS Arsenic
Self explanatory.
ZBI Bismuth
Self explanatory.
ZCA Calcium
Self explanatory.
ZCB Columbium
Self explanatory.
ZCE Cerium
Self explanatory.
ZCL Chlorine
Self explanatory.
ZCO Cobalt
Self explanatory.
ZCR Chromium
Self explanatory.
ZCU Copper
Self explanatory.
ZFE Iron
Self explanatory.
ZFS Iron plus silicon
Self explanatory.
ZGE Germanium
Self explanatory.
ZMG Magnesium
Self explanatory.
ZMN Manganese
Self explanatory.
ZMO Molybdenum
Self explanatory.
ZNA Sodium
Self explanatory.
ZNB Niobium
ZNI Nickel
Self explanatory.
ZPB Lead
Self explanatory.
ZSB Antimony
Self explanatory.
ZSE Selenium
Self explanatory.
ZSI Silicon
Self explanatory.
ZSL Silicium oxyd
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
ZTA Tantalium
Self explanatory.
ZTE Tellurium
Self explanatory.
ZTI Titanium
Self explanatory.
ZWA Waste content
Self explanatory.
ZZN Zinc
Self explanatory.
ZZR Zirconium
Self explanatory.
ZZZ Mutually defined
Self explanatory.