Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 9415 in D08A

Government agency identification code (an1..3)

Code identifying a government agency.

Code Description
1 Agriculture
Government agency responsible for agriculture and e.g. the inspection of vegetable and animal substances being imported.
2 Ammunition
Government agency responsible for the safe transport of ammunition.
3 Commerce
Government agency responsible for commerce both domestic and international.
4 Coastguard
Government agency responsible for public safety on waterways.
5 Customs
Customs authorities.
6 Food and drug
Government agency responsible for the safety on food and drugs.
7 Health certificate
Health authorities.
8 Harbour police
Police authorities responsible for public safety in the harbour.
9 Immigration
Government agency responsible for immigration matters.
10 Live animals
Government agency responsible for the importation of live animals.
11 Port authority
Government or semi-government body responsible for port operations.
12 Public health
Government body responsible for public health matters.
13 Transportation
Government agency responsible for transportation policy and other transportation matters.
14 Port state control
Government body responsible for the policing of the port.